Monday, February 22, 2010

This week I'm doing cartwheels about....

  • A very special mention...
Lauren did the most devine interview with Nadia, and guess what lovely Nads said about me?? "My friend Danka from Black Butterfly is my favourite local designer and she can sew beautifully" -what a compliment!!! *blush*
These two talented ladies sure are an inspiration...

Check out the interview and Lauren's stylish blog here

and have a browse through Nadia's beautiful blog here...

You girls sure are wonderful!!!

  • Chatting to my besties...
Two of my most favouritest people in the world are currently in London having the time of their lives... it's been quite difficult keeping in touch, but now they have settled down a little and I got to see them on Skype last night... Not that the convo lasted very long as the signal on my wireless is a little screwed, but at least I got to see their faces and hear their voices for a little while and that made me a very very happy girl indeed!!

Jippie for great friendships!!
  • Packing my bags for a quick holiday...
I'm off to Jozi for a quick get away on Friday... Don't know how much resting will be involved, but I sure am excited to see my Mommy!! I'm sure she'll spoil me rotten even though there will be a lot of packing involved as they are moving house soon, and I've gotta go box up my childhood things. Visits home are always inspiring... My Mom's an awesome creative and my brother is an industrial designer, so inspiartion and love is always reviving! Jippie!!

Life is good! Hope you will have a fantastic week too!!

Much love xxx

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pretty pin-cushion

How cutesy is this little lovely?
She's going to take care of all my pins from now on... And she fits perfectly in my blue room :) A friend made my day today with this surprise. Made me realize once again that it's the little things that count - talking creative outlets with an almost stranger, smiles and unexpected prezzies. And lavender cookies! Yum! Dankie vir die bederf Leigh-Anne!


Monday, February 8, 2010

Seriously obsessed...

With candyfloss pink hair.... thanks to Amber....

It just keeps on appearing all round me...

Doesn't it look so soft and gorgeous?? Good enough to eat - well almost - since it's not exactly good to have edible hair - but you get the point :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy Sunday

"I’d like to save every beautiful thing I see and fold it into your open hand like a secret note."

Friday, February 5, 2010

In search of a new hairstyle

I used to have long blond hair.... Then one day I decided that a sort mop of lucious chocolate was more like it.... But my locks are now a little overgrown and I need a bit of a trim... and maybe a bit of a colour revolution too... I'm in love with candyfloss pink, but I don't have the guts or the day job to pull it off :) I guess the next best thing is platinium blond.... I can just see it now -short and cool ( coz Durban is way too hot this time of the year) with lost of texture like the last pic.... But maybe I should start the process off slowly though with a few cautious highlights.... I'm thinking orange is not half as cool as pink :)